Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm sad!
Super duper sad.

So what did i do?
I went to yahoo,
and look for jokes to cheer my self up.
At least it made me smile.

Let me share some with you too.

Q: What goes oh oh oh?
A: A santa walking backwards

Q: What is Beethoven doing in his grave?
A: De-Composing

Q: Why do hambugers go to the gym?
A: To get better buns[butts] !

Q: What do garbagemen eat?
A: Junk Foods!

Q: What did the banana say when the elephant stepped on it?
A: Nothing..Bananas don't talk.

Q:What do you get when 354 blueberrys try to get through a door at the same time?
A: Blueberry jam

Q: Why did the man dance in front of the bottle?
A: it said.."Twist to open"

Thats all & maybe i;ll work tomorrow..
We'll see how.


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